Game Development


Each game starts as an idea on a piece of paper. If you are committed enough then you’re on the way towards turning your game idea into reality. After we sign the ‘Non-Disclosure Agreement’ with the client, we conduct a series of meetings with the client to understand their idea. Upon client making a formal commitment to make the game, our in house user experience team begins to define the project in the pre-production phase.

1. Pre -production -Every game begins with a story. Often, our client provides us the story or in some cases we suggest story ideas to the client. Once the basic game concept is decided,  the designers and the writers work together on creating a story board.  A story board consists of rough sketches of the concept art and game’s technical instructions. The user experience team create a game design document that specifies gameplay, fiction, characters, and levels (if any). At the same time, the Project Manager begins to create a list of tasks, broken down individually and group them into phases which will serve as an input to creating the schedule for game development. 

2. Design – Some clients requests us to do game prototyping. During prototyping,  artists and developers become involved. They begin transforming the ideas contained within the game design document into a game prototype.  Most of the clients would like to start the actual game development directly. Developers and artists work hand in hand to review, tweak and insert animations or special effects during this phase.

3. Development – Unseen to the user, but making all of the game elements work together, is the code. Code is the set of computer language instructions that controls every aspect of the game. Another important aspect of the code is the artificial intelligence component. This is the logic of the game, and it also establishes the physics of the game world, detecting the interactions and collisions between objects and controlling their movement. Once enough of the basic framework of the game has been created, the game hits Full Production, where it passes through the alpha and beta phases before becoming final. At this point, the bulk of the art, animation, engineering, and design elements are in place, there is a basic working game engine. In this phase, we also request the client to begin preparing for marketing the game. 

 4. Testing – Once a working build is available, we ask our testers and the client to extensively test the game at each and every stage.  The first version is called the ‘alpha’ version and it is tested to detect any major flaws in the game while they are still relatively easy to fix. Once all of the major flaws are addressed, a “beta” version is released, often to a larger group of testers that sometimes includes the public.

 5. Marketing – Marketing and promotion begins from the very moment we  have completed the game. Read more about marketing mobile games here.

6. Launch- Releasing your application to the App Store or Google Play can be quite intimidating , but don’t worry, we are there to help. We will deal with preparing the app store submission,  uploading the app and also everything that will help you submit the app for review. We also provide support to prepare an attractive app store description for the app and also guide you on how to select the best keywords for the app.

7. Post production maintenance – We will provide post production maintenance support up to a specific time (to a year in most cases) based on the mobile game we developed for you.  Any post launch undetected defects in the game or mismatch between the client requirements and the developed mobile game will be fixed for you for FREE.